Tổng hợp 300 từ vựng thi SAT có nghĩa tiếng Việt và ví dụ

Khi bước chân vào hành trình ôn luyện cho kỳ thi SAT, một trong những chìa khóa quan trọng không thể bỏ lỡ là "từ vựng thi SAT". Như một ngọn đèn dẫn lối trong bài thi đầy thách thức, từ vựng không chỉ là công cụ giúp bạn hiểu sâu hơn về nội dung mà còn là chìa khóa để bạn tỏa sáng với sự tự tin và sự thạo đáng kinh ngạc. Hãy cùng nhau khám phá sức mạnh của từ vựng trong hành trình chinh phục kỳ thi SAT! 

>> Tìm hiểu kỳ thi SAT

Tầm quan trọng của từ vựng khi ôn thi sat

Từ vựng đóng một vai trò quan trọng và không thể thiếu trong quá trình ôn thi SAT. Việc hiểu và sử dụng từ vựng một cách hiệu quả không chỉ giúp bạn tự tin hơn trong kỳ thi, mà còn cung cấp lợi thế trong việc hiểu và giải quyết các câu hỏi phức tạp.
  • Hiểu và Thích nghi với Câu hỏi Đọc hiểu
Trong phần Đọc hiểu của SAT, từ vựng sẽ giúp bạn nắm bắt ý nghĩa chính của đoạn văn và các từ khó hiểu. Việc hiểu chính xác từng từ trong ngữ cảnh sẽ giúp bạn trả lời câu hỏi một cách hiệu quả và đúng đắn. Bạn cũng có thể dễ dàng nhận biết được mục đích tác giả và các chi tiết quan trọng trong đoạn văn.
  • Xây dựng Luận điểm Mạch lạc trong Phần ViếTừ vựng là công cụ quan trọng giúp bạn xây dựng một luận điểm thuyết phục trong phần Viết. Bằng cách sử dụng từ vựng đa dạng và chính xác, bạn có thể biểu đạt ý kiến và lập luận một cách rõ ràng và logic. Từ vựng cũng giúp bạn thể hiện khả năng viết lách sáng tạo và độc đáo, tạo nên một bài luận ấn tượng.
  • Hiểu và Giải quyết Câu hỏi Toán học Phức tạp
Từ vựng có thể rất quan trọng trong việc hiểu và giải quyết các câu hỏi toán học phức tạp trong phần Toán học của SAT. Nếu bạn không hiểu các thuật ngữ hoặc từ vựng liên quan đến bài toán, việc giải quyết sẽ trở nên khó khăn. Việc nắm vững từ vựng toán học giúp bạn áp dụng kiến thức một cách chính xác và tự tin.
  • Tổng hợp và Lập luận trong Câu hỏi Tiểu luận
Phần Tiểu luận yêu cầu bạn tổng hợp thông tin và xây dựng luận điểm về một chủ đề cụ thể. Từ vựng giúp bạn biểu đạt ý tưởng một cách sâu sắc và thú vị, tạo nên sự thuyết phục trong việc lập luận và thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân. Việc sử dụng từ vựng phù hợp cũng giúp bạn tránh lặp lại và tạo nên một bài luận có cấu trúc mạch lạc.
  • Tự Tin và Hiệu Quả trong Kỳ thi
Việc nắm vững từ vựng giúp bạn tự tin hơn khi đối mặt với kỳ thi SAT. Bạn sẽ cảm thấy thoải mái hơn trong việc đọc và hiểu đoạn văn, giải quyết các câu hỏi, viết bài luận và thể hiện khả năng của mình. Từ vựng không chỉ là một phần của kỳ thi, mà còn là công cụ giúp bạn tỏa sáng và đạt được kết quả tốt.

Từ vựng ôn thi SAT

Tổng hợp 280 từ vựng ôn thi SAT có nghĩa tiếng Việt và ví dụ

Tự vựngNghĩa tiếng ViệtNghĩa tiếng AnhVí dụ
Abate-v. to become less active, less intense, or less in amountAs I began my speech, my feelings of nervousness quickly abated.
Abstracttrừu tượngadj. existing purely in the mind; not representing actual realityJulie had trouble understanding the appeal of the abstract painting.
Abysmal-adj. extremely badI got an abysmal grade on my research paper!
AccordinglyTheo đóadv. in accordance withAll students must behave accordingly.
AcquisitionSự mua lạin. the act of gaining a skill or possession of somethingLanguage acquisition is easier for kids than it is for adults.
AdaptThích nghiv. to make suit a new purpose
v. to accommodate oneself to a new condition, setting, or situation
The US has adapted many foreign foods to better suit the tastes of Americans.
Dogs are known for their ability to quickly adapt to their environments.
AdeptLão luyệnadj. having knowledge or skill (usu. in a particular area)Beth loves playing the piano, but she’s especially adept at the violin.
AdequateĐủadj. having sufficient qualifications to meet a specific task or purposeThough his resume was adequate, the company doubted whether he’d be a good fit.
AdventMùa Vọngn. the arrival or creation of something (usu. historic)The world has never been the same since the advent of the light bulb.
AdversarialBất lợiadj. relating to hostile oppositionAn adversarial attitude will make you many enemies in life.
AdvocateBiện hộn. someone who promotes or defends something
v. to defend or promote something (usu. a belief, theory, opinion, etc.)
I am an advocate for free higher education.
Environmental protesters often advocate for cleaner energy practices.
AestheticThẩm mỹadj. relating to beauty or refined tasteThe aesthetic decorations at the wedding reception made you feel as if you were a character in a fairy tale.
AffordĐủ khả năngv. to be able to buy
v. to be able to spare
He’s saving money so he can afford to buy a new car.
I can’t afford to lose any more pencils!
AgitateKích độngv. to promote something (usu. a cause)They’re agitating for better health care.
AllowCho phépv. to permit or consent toUS law allows citizens to speak freely.
AlludeÁm chỉv. to make a secretive mention of somethingShe alluded to the problem at hand but didn’t say anything more about it.
AltercationSự thay đổin. a noisy argument or confrontationGreg got into an altercation with a stranger at the bar.
AmbiguousMơ hồadj. unclear or vague in meaningHer ambiguous statement made me question whether she could be trusted.
AmbitiousTham vọngadj. having a powerful desire for success or achievementPenny is so ambitious, she wants to be president someday.
AmbivalenceSự mâu thuẫnn. the state of being uncertain or stuck between two or more optionsHis ambivalence prevented him from immediately signing the contract.
AnalogousTương tựadj. similar but not identicalGreen onions are considered analogous to spring onions.
AnnihilateHủy diệtv. to destroy or cause devastating destructionThe dictator sent orders to annihilate the group of rebels.
AnomalyNghĩa bóngn. something different from the normThis result is an anomaly and very rarely happens.
AnticipateDự đoánv. assume to be likely to happenThe party was just as fun as I had anticipated it would be.
AntipathyÁc cảmn. a strong feeling of dislikeHer antipathy toward the professor was obvious: she rolled her eyes whenever he entered the classroom.
ApexĐỉnhn. the highest point of somethingThe spring play was the apex of our school year.
ApprehensionE ngạin. fearful expectation of somethingHer apprehension to leave her house resulted in her missing the train.
ArticulateKhớp nốiv. to clearly express in wordsShe articulated her opinion on the price of the house.
ArtificialNhân tạoadj. something made; not occurring naturallyMany candies use artificial flavors to make them taste fruity.
AssertionQuả quyếtn. a strong declarationHis assertion that sharks are mammals made everyone laugh.
AustereKhắc khổadj. extremely plain
adj. stern and forbidding
adj. relating to self-denial
He lived in a small, austere cabin in the middle of the woods.
My boss had an austere expression on her face.
An austere lifestyle, like that of monks, isn’t for everybody.
AuthenticityTính xác thựcn. the quality of being real and true instead of fake and contrivedThe police officer doubted the authenticity of the suspect’s story.
AvenueĐại lộn. an intangible path or approach to somethingThe company has decided to pursue other avenues.
AvidKhao khátadj. actively interested in or enthusiastic about somethingGerald is an avid soccer fan.
BasicNền tảngadj. relating to the foundation or basis of somethingYou have to start with basic Russian before you can move on to the advanced level.
BearCon gấuv. to have as a characteristic
v. to have (a child)
v. to bring forth
v. to put up with
She bears a strong resemblance to your mother.
Judy will bear her first child later this year.
My garden is going to bear pumpkins this year.
I can’t bear her complaining any longer!
BenevolentNhân từadj. kind, generousMany cultures believe in benevolent spirits.
BiasThiên kiếnn. a preconception that prevents objectivityIt’s important to avoid bias when investigating a crime.
BittersweetVừa đắng vừa ngọtadj. tinged with a feeling of sadnessThe ending of the romance movie was bittersweet.
BolsterCủng cốv. to support, strengthen, or fortifyIf we work together, we should be able to lift and then bolster the couch.
BoostTăngn. an increase or growth
v. to increase or make grow
The boost in profits was a welcome change.
In order to boost profits, you need to cater to your customers.
BrawlẨu đản. an intense, loud fight
v. to fight loudly and disruptively
A brawl broke out at school today after one student accused another of cheating.
The two students brawled for an hour.
BrevityNgắn gọnn. the quality of being brief or terseThe brevity of their time together made it all the more romantic.
CandidThật thàadj. direct, bluntJosh is candid about his desire to become an actor.
CandorSự thẳng thắnn. the trait of being honest and frankI admire her candor, especially when nobody else bothers to speak up.
CapitalizeViết hoav. to use to your advantageI’d like to capitalize on your math skills by having your work the cash register.
CaptureChiếm lấyv. to trap or take possession of
v. to successfully represent or imitate
v. to captivate, mesmerize
v. to catch or seize
The spy was captured by the enemy.
Your painting beautifully captures the ephemerality of life.
I was captured by her beauty.
The cops captured the criminal three days after the incident.
CivicCông dânadj. relating to the city or citizensVoting is a civic duty.
ClinicalLâm sàngadj. emotionally unattached (usu. used in medical or scientific setting)Her clinical approach to situations allows her to handle them more effectively.
Clout-n. special advantage or powerChildren of rich and famous people often believe they have a lot of clout.
CoarseThôadj. indicating a rough texture
adj. lacking refinement or sophistication
The horse’s mane was coarse, as if it had never been washed.
The queen’s coarse way of speaking surprised the other members of royalty.
CoincideTrùng khớpv. to happen at the same timeIt wasn’t until after I booked my ticket that I realized the concert coincided with my finals.
CommissionNhiệm vụn. the use of payment to request something (e.g., a service or product)This painting was commissioned by a rich merchant in 1589.
ComparableCó thể so sánhadj. able to be comparedThis novel is comparable to Huckleberry Finn.
CompetentCó thẩm quyềnadj. sufficiently qualifiedWe need to hire a competent web developer to create a good website for our company.
ComplacentTự mãnadj. satisfied, with no desire to change or improveThough he had never won any awards or even been published, he was complacent with his life as a poet.
ComplementBổ sungv. to make perfect or completeThis wine perfectly complements this platter of gourmet cheese.
ConcedeCông nhậnv. to be forced to agree or surrender
v. to admit to a transgression
With no chance of winning the battle, the army at last conceded.
Dan conceded to pranking his sister.
ConceiveTưởng tượngv. to imagine or come up withThe plan to build the city was originally conceived in the early 1900s.
CondoneThav. to overlook, approve, or allowShe couldn't condone her daughter's rebellious behavior.
ConduciveThuận lợiadj. able to bring about or be suitable forThe noisy students hardly made the campus library conducive to studying.
ConductChỉ đạov. to control or manage
v. to behave a certain way
The group conducted their research abroad last year.
Be sure to conduct yourself accordingly.
ConfideTâm sựv. to share something secretive with someoneShe confided all of her biggest secrets in her best friend.
ConfineGiới hạnv. to put limits on; to restrictWe are going to confine the use of this drinking fountain.
ConsensusĐoàn kếtn. overall agreementAfter weeks of debating, the panel finally came to a consensus.
ConstituteCấu tạov. to form or compose (part of) somethingThe desire for equality constituted the civil rights movement.
ContemplateThưởng ngoạnv. to think deeply aboutShe contemplated telling her teacher about the cheating student.
ContendTranh cãiv. to maintain or assert (an opinion)The president contends that the US government will not negotiate with terrorists.
ContradictMâu thuẫnv. to be in contrast withThe camera footage contradicts his alibi.
ControversialGây tranh cãiadj. highly debatable and causing contentionMillions of viewers watched the controversial debate take place.
ConventionalThông thườngadj. abiding by accepted standardsShe lives a conventional life in the suburbs.
ConveyChuyên chởv. to pass on or transfer (information)I have trouble conveying my thoughts in French.
ConvictionLòng tin chắc, sự kết án, phán quyếtn. a firm belief in somethingHer religious convictions prevent her from eating meat.
CorroborateChứng thựcv. to provide evidence for; to back up (a claim)The note signed by her father corroborates her claim that she was absent from class that day.
CounteractChống lạiv. to work in opposition toThis ingredient seems to counteract the other ones.
CounterargumentĐối ứngn. an argument used to criticize or dismantle another argumentMake sure to include a counterargument in your essay so that you can show you’ve considered the topic from all perspectives.
CounterproductivePhản tác dụngadj. hindering the achievement of a goalBill’s idea to take a shortcut was ultimately counterproductive: it took us twice as long to get to the train station.
CulminationĐỉnh caon. the final act or climaxThe culmination of the performance was unforgettable.
CultivateCày cấyv. to foster the growth ofTeachers don’t just pass on new information to students—they cultivate their academic potential.
DecreeÁn Lệnhv. to declare formally and with authorityThe president decreed that Halloween would henceforth be a national holiday.
DeferenceSự trì hoãnn. respect; regardHer deference to the elderly makes her the perfect candidate for an internship at the retirement center.
DeficientThiếuadj. not enough in degree or amountI feel as though the sources for my paper are deficient.
DemonstrateChứng minhv. to do as an example
v. gives evidence for
Could you demonstrate the dance move for me?
This book’s use of words such as “grim” and “bleak” demonstrates the author’s mournful tone.
Demur-v. to object toShe demurred at my request to transfer to a different department.
DepleteTriệt binhv. to (over)use over time (usu. resources)The lost campers quickly depleted their supply of food.
DesolateHoang vắngadj. bare, barren, emptyThe moon is one giant, desolate landscape.
DeviseNghĩ rav. to come up with (a plan)Lana devised a plan to make herself famous.
DilemmaTình trạng khó xửn. a problem, usually requiring a choice between two optionsThe main dilemma is whether to pay for a commercial or not.
DiligenceSiêng năngn. conscientiousness; the quality of being committed to a taskDiligence and confidence will get you far in life.
DiminishGiảm bớtv. to become smaller in scope or degreeThe itchiness of mosquito bites usually starts to diminish after a few days.
DireTàn khốcadj. hopeless and dangerous or fearfulWhen the police didn’t explain what was happening right away, Jane knew that the situation must be dire.
DiscordBất hòan. disagreementDisputes over money caused intense discord in the family.
DisdainKhinh bỉn. a lack of respect and strong dislike (toward something or someone)He looked at me with such disdain that I immediately knew the job wouldn’t work out.
DismayMất tinh thầnn. hopelessness, stress, or consternation
v. to fill with woe or apprehension
To Nick’s dismay, he got an F on the test.
Many were dismayed by the town’s implementation of metered parking.
DisparageChê baiv. to belittle or speak down toA good boss is stern but never disparages his or her employees.
DispatchGửi điv. to send off a message or messengerThe mother dispatched her daughter to their neighbor’s house.
DiversificationĐa dạng hóan. the act of becoming diverseLately, there’s been noticeable diversification of students at higher institutions.
DoctrineGiáo lýn. a principle, theory, or position, usu. advocated by a religion or gov’tDevoutly religious people often live their lives according to their doctrines.
DominionSự thống trịn. power and authority (usu. over a territory)
n. a legal territory
The country claimed to have dominion over parts of Russia.
Puerto Rico is a dominion of the US.
DrearyThê lươngadj. sad, gloomy, dullThe gray clouds in the sky made the day feel dreary.
DubiousMơ hồadj. doubtful, questionableThe man’s claims to the throne were dubious since nobody knew where he’d come from.
EccentricKỳ dịadj. peculiar or odd; deviating from the normShe’s a little eccentric but still fun to be around.
EgregiousNghiêm trọngadj. extremely badAfter cheating on the exam, Emily began to feel as though she’d made an egregious mistake.
EloquentHùng hồnadj. having refined or expressive communication skills (in speaking or writing)His speech was not only eloquent but also extremely compelling.
EminentNổi bậtadj. superior or distinguished; high in position or statusOur town made news when the eminent magician came to perform at our local theater.
EmitPhát rav. to discharge, give forth, or releasePlants consume carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.
EmphaticNhấn mạnhadj. very expressive; using emphasisHer emphatic smile told me she was excited to ride the roller coaster.
EmpiricalThực nghiệmadj. derived from experience, observation, or an experimentYou need empirical evidence to support your claim.
EndowChov. to equip or bestow (usu. a quality or ability)According to the myth, the gods endowed him with the gift of healing.
EndureChịu đựngv. to withstand, sustain, or hold out againstI can’t endure this wait any longer. Will Stanford accept or reject me?
EntailĐòi hỏiv. to involve or includeA doctoral program entails long nights and a heavy workload.
EntrenchedCố thủadj. firmly establishedHer face will forever be entrenched in my memory.
EnumerateLiệt kêv. to specify or countI can’t enumerate how many times I’ve had to remind my students when their papers are due.
EnvyGhen tỵn. excessive jealousy
v. to admire and be jealous of
His envy of her is quite obvious.
She envies her coworker's social skills.
ErraticThất thườngadj. having no fixed course; deviating from the normThe car became erratic after slipping on ice.
EstablishThành lậpv. to enact
v. to found (a business, group, school, etc.)
They established a law that made it illegal to drive after drinking any amount of alcohol.
Our group established a new branch in Chicago.
EvokeGợi lênv. to draw forth or call upHorror movies are great at evoking fear.
ExacerbateLàm trầm trọng thêmv. to make worse or increase the severity ofThe doctor told me not to run as it can exacerbate my knee injury.
Excel-v. to do something extremely well or to be superior inShe was a well-rounded student but excelled especially in science.
ExertGắng sứcv. to put into use (usu. as effort)Don’t exert all of your energy at once.
ExhilaratingPhấn khởiadj. invigorating, stimulating, or excitingThe music playing at the club was catchy and exhilarating.
ExpendChi tiêuv. to use up (as in energy or money)Be careful not to expend all your energy in the first half of a marathon.
ExploitKhai thácv. to use selfishly or for profitThe shoddy company exploited its workers by paying them extremely low wages.
FacilitateTạo điều kiệnv. to aid the progress ofIn grad school, advisors facilitate students’ research and offer constructive criticism.
FeasibilityTính khả thin. the practicality or possibility of somethingThe feasibility of her project was doubtful; she’d have to go all the way to Antarctica and back before the school year ended.
FerocityHung dữn. viciousness, violenceThe lion is just one wild animal known for its ferocity.
FiscalNgân sáchadj. related to (government) moneyFiscal policy is how the government uses money to influence the economy.
FlourishHưng thịnhv. to prosper, grow, or make fast progressAfter one year, the tiny plants had flourished into a breathtaking garden.
FluctuateDao độngv. to be unstable; to rise and fallStocks can fluctuate on a daily basis, making it difficult to determine when to buy or sell one.
FomentFomentv. to stir upThe civilians accused their leader of fomenting political unrest.
ForeseeableCó thể thấy trướcadj. capable of being predicted or anticipatedI can't imagine aliens visiting us in the foreseeable future.
FranklyThẳng thắnadv. directly, clearlyI frankly don’t see the point in learning to drive.
Freewheeling-adj. carefreeHis freewheeling attitude often got him in trouble at work.
FundamentalCơ bảnadj. the most essential or most basic partA thesis is arguably the most fundamental part of an essay.
GalvanizingMạ kẽmadj. thrilling, exciting, stimulatingThe galvanizing performance left everyone spellbound.
GeriatricLão khoaadj. relating to old ageI became interested in geriatric medicine shortly after my grandfather passed away from cancer.
HostileThù địchadj. harmful, dangerousThe voices around the corner sounded angry, hostile even.
HypotheticalGiả thuyếtadj. supposed; related to a hypothesisFor my physics homework, I must come up with a hypothetical situation.
IgnominiousPhi thườngadj. publicly shameful or humiliatingThe politician's expensive campaign ultimately ended in ignominious defeat.
ImpartTruyền đạtv. to transmit, bestow, or discloseParents must impart common sense to their children.
ImpartialityVô tưn. the equal and objective treatment of opposing viewsTo ensure impartiality, we require everyone to follow these general guidelines.
ImposingÁp đặtadj. impressive (esp. in size or appearance)The old mansion was imposing in its huge size and gothic architecture.
ImpositionÁp dụngn. an unnecessary burdenIf it’s not too much of an imposition, could you proofread my paper?
ImprudentThiếu chân thànhadj. not cautious or prudent; rashBackpacking abroad can be fun, but don’t be imprudent about money.
InciteKích độngv. to encourage or stir upHer hateful words incited anger in the crowd.
IndifferenceThờ ơn. apathy, emotional detachmentThe girl’s indifference toward her brother upset their parents.
IndiscriminatelyBừa bãiadv. randomly; with little or no distinctionLottery winners are chosen indiscriminately.
IndulgeThưởng thứcv. to give into; to satisfy or gratifyMy friend loves to indulge in cheesy romance movies.
InferSuy luậnv. to guess, conclude, or derive by reasoningYou can infer from this quotation that the writer didn’t care for “pretty” language.
InnovativeĐổi mớiadj. novel or new (esp. as an idea or invention)Her invention was incredibly innovative and won her multiple awards.
InsatiableVô độadj. can’t be satisfiedA vampire’s thirst for blood is said to be insatiable.
InversionĐảo ngượcn. a reversalThe culture’s norms were an inversion of our own.
InvokeGọiv. to call on; to appeal to (e.g., a higher power)The shaman attempted to invoke a demon.
IrreconcilableKhông thể hòa giảiadj. incapable of being in harmony or agreed uponThe couple’s differences were ultimately irreconcilable, giving them no choice but to break up.
LamentThan thởv. to feel sorrow for; to mournSusan lamented her missed chance at going to Europe with her high school class.
LocomotionSự vận độngn. movementPhysics involves the study of locomotion.
LucrativeSinh lợiadj. capable of making a lot of money; profitableWriting books isn’t a particularly lucrative career, unless you’re J.K. Rowling.
MaliciousĐộc hạiadj. harmful, spitefulThe malicious spirit drove out the inhabitants from their home.
MalleableDễ uốn nắnadj. capable of being molded or changedChildren’s minds are malleable but only for so long.
MaterialisticNặng về vật chấtadj. superficial; focus on material possessionsMany people accuse Americans of being materialistic.
MelodramaticKhoa trươngadj. extravagant or exaggerated (as of a melodrama)The melodramatic play was well liked by the audience.
ModestKhiêm tốnadj. simple and humble
adj. small in size or amount
They moved into a modest house in the countryside.
I received a modest sum of money for my help at the company event.
ModifyBiến đổiv. to change, alter, or tweakDr. Nguyen modified the gene so that it wouldn’t carry the disease.
MomentousQuan trọngadj. historically significantHer win in the election was momentous.
NovelCuốn tiểu thuyếtadj. new, innovativeWe are looking for novel ways to approach the project.
NuanceSắc tháin. a subtle difference in meaningBody-language experts even understand the nuances of facial expressions.
NullVô giá trịadj. legally void and ineffectiveThe government declared their marriage null.
ObjectivityTính khách quann. judgment based on observations instead of emotions or opinionsIn scientific research, objectivity is of utmost importance.
ObsoleteLỗi thờiadj. no longer used; rare or uncommonHistorians assumed record players would be obsolete by now, but in fact they’re making a huge comeback.
OmnipotentToàn diệnadj. almighty and all powerfulGods are omnipotent beings who can control human destiny.
OnsetBắt đầun. the beginning or early stagesAt the onset of her career as a lawyer, things were looking up.
Opine-v. to openly express an opinionThe new employee opined at the company meeting.
OrnateVăn hoaadj. highly detailed and decoratedThat ornate silverware must be worth thousands of dollars!
OustHáo hứcv. to remove or force out of (usu. a position or office)Sick and tired of putting up with his bad moods, the pirates ousted their captain.
ParamountTối quan trọngadj. predominant, superior, most importantOur paramount concern is the safety of our employees.
PeculiarKỳ lạadj. strange, bizarreUpon entering the abandoned house, Kate experienced a peculiar feeling, as if someone was watching her.
PerishDiệt vongv. to die; to pass awayAccording to the news, nobody perished in the fire.
PersecuteHãm hạiv. to cause suffering toThey will persecute anyone who doesn’t agree with their views of the world.
PetulantPetulantadj. cranky, pouty, irritablePetulant children are especially difficult to care for.
PinnacleĐỉnh caon. highest level or degreeMany believe that composers such as Beethoven and Mozart represent the pinnacle of classical music.
PitiableĐáng thươngadj. deserving pityThe frail-looking dog was pitiable, so I gave it some food and took it inside to care for it.
PlausibleCó vẻ hợp lýadj. reasonable and possibly trueHer story is plausible, but that doesn’t mean she’s telling the truth.
PostulateĐịnh đềv. to assertThe literary critic postulates that romanticism and naturalism are actually interconnected.
PotentMạnh mẽadj. having great influence
adj. having a strong, chemical effect
The bald eagle is a potent symbol of the US.
The potion was definitely potent—it healed my wounds immediately!
PragmaticThực dụngadj. practical, usefulIt’s not necessarily more pragmatic to study engineering than it is to study philosophy.
PrecedentTiền lện. an example or subject from earlier in timeThis change in law is without historical precedent.
PredecessorNgười tiền nhiệmn. someone who comes before you (usu. in position or office)My predecessor gave me many tips for running the office.
PrescribeQuy địnhv. to command orders
v. to issue authorization for medications
The directions for our essay prescribe a length of at least ten pages.
A doctor must prescribe you this medication before you can begin taking it.
PrincipleNguyên tắcn. basic truth, assumption, or ruleRemember the universal principle: treat others as you want them to treat you.
ProhibitCấmv. to command against, to outlawAlcohol was prohibited in the US in the 1920s.
PromptLời nhắcadj. punctual, on time
n. a cue to begin something; instructions
v. to incite, propel, or cause to act
She is always prompt when it comes to turning in her homework.
I had to write an essay based on a prompt.
The possibility of a scholarship prompted him to apply to Harvard.
PromulgateBan hànhv. to put into law or formally declareThe ruler will at last promulgate an amnesty with the neighboring countries.
ProsecuteTruy tốv. to bring criminal action against someone (in a trial)The suspect was prosecuted yesterday.
ProvocativeTrêu chọcadj. intending to provoke, inspire, or arouseHer nude paintings are considered quite provocative.
QualitativeĐịnh tínhadj. involving qualities of something (features and content)I noticed a qualitative change in her paintings.
QuantitativeĐịnh lượngadj. involving quantities (numbers and amounts)We must conduct a quantitative analysis.
Quirk-n. a strange habitHis biggest quirk is his love of old marbles.
RamifyPhân nhánhv. to split into two or more branchesCars ramified throughout the world in the twentieth century.
RashPhát banadj. without attention to danger or riskHer rash decision to pass the car nearly resulted in a crash.
RawThôadj. unrefined
adj. not processed; uncooked (as in food)
He’s got raw talent as a singer, but he needs to work on his performance skills.
In some countries, such as Japan, it is normal to eat raw fish.
ReadilyDễ dàngadv. right away and without difficultyWater was readily available at different points in the race.
ReconsiderationXem xét lạin. thinking again about a previously made choiceThe judges’ reconsideration of her performance resulted in her victory.
ReformCải cáchn. a change for the better; improvement
v. to improve via change
The reform made it so that only those 18 and older can legally drive.
The government reformed its vague policies on marijuana use.
RefuteBác bỏv. to prove to be untrue, unfounded, or incorrectThe student refuted the professor’s claim in class.
ReinforceCủng cốv. to strengthen or add support toWe can use these pipes to reinforce the structure.
ReluctantlyMiễn cưỡngadv. somewhat unwillinglyMax reluctantly agreed to see the horror movie with his friends.
RenounceTừ bỏv. to give up (usu. power or a position)
v. to cast off
Our CEO renounced her position yesterday.
He renounced his friend after he caught her stealing money from him.
ReproachTrách mócv. to criticizeThe mother reproached her daughter’s school for making students come in during a blizzard.
RepudiateTừ chốiv. to refuse to recognize as true
v. to cast off
The father repudiated his son’s marriage.
She repudiated her son once she found out he’d married someone without telling her.
RetentionGiữ lạin. the act of keeping somethingWater retention can make you weigh more on certain days.
Satiated-adj. satisfied (usu. in hunger)I felt satiated after eating a snack.
SavvyHiểuadj. having practical intelligence or knowledgeMy brother is not very savvy when it comes to using public transportation.
ScandalousTai tiếngadj. morally offensive, often causing damage to one’s reputationThe scandalous politician decided it was best to resign from office.
ScornKhinh miệtv. to look down on with disdainIt’s difficult for me not to scorn those who use improper grammar.
ScrupulousChu đáoadj. paying great attention to detailI am a scrupulous proofreader and never miss an error.
ScrutinizeXem xét kỹ lưỡngv. to examine carefully and criticallyThe teacher scrutinized her students’ essays.
SecreteBí mậtv. to produce or release (a substance)Trees secrete a sticky substance called sap.
SentimentTình cảmn. opinion
n. a tender or moving gesture
I am of the sentiment that you should never give out your passwords to anyone.
Even though I’m not a big fan of porcelain dolls, I appreciated the sentiment.
SheerTuyệt đốiadj. so thin that light can shine throughThe curtains on the window were so sheer you could clearly see inside the house.
SimpleĐơn giảnadj. easy; not complex
adj. undecorated
This math problem is so simple even a first grader can solve it.
The simple beauty of the ocean is what makes it memorable.
SinisterNham hiểmadj. ominous, evilMedieval peasants believed sinister demons could harm humans.
SolidaritySự đoàn kếtn. the joining of commonalities or common purposes among a groupI stood in solidarity with other female students by refusing to wear the school’s sexist uniform.
SparinglyThật thàadv. insufficiently, meagerly, or in a restricted mannerDue to my condition, I must eat salt sparingly.
SpawnSinh sảnv. to release eggs
v. to call forth or generate
Frogs typically spawn in ponds.
The topic spawned an ongoing debate among his family members.
SpurThúc đẩyv. to stimulate or inciteHer bravery spurred others to act.
SqualidNhảm nhíadj. run-down, sordid, or sleazyThe squalid cabin needed a new roof and an exterminator.
StarkNgay đơadj. very plain; devoid of any details or featuresLooking out at the stark landscape, I felt a keen sense of isolation.
StaticTĩnhadj. motionless
adj. changeless
The ball is static.
Her life has been static for the past three years.
SubordinateCấp dướiadj. lower in rank
n. someone lower in rank
v. to make dependent on or put at a lower rank
The subordinate officers work every day.
My subordinate will check you in.
You aren’t my boss—you can’t subordinate me to the role of receptionist!
SubsequentlySau đóadv. happening later or after somethingI subsequently went home.
SubstantialĐáng kểadj. very large in amount or degreeI was shocked to find a substantial amount of money beneath the park bench.
SubstantiateChứng minhv. to strengthen with new evidence or factsIt is important for scientists to substantiate their theories whenever possible.
SubtleTế nhịadj. hard to detect or analyzeI detected in her expression a subtle hint of irritation.
SufficientHợp lýadj. enough; just meeting a requirementThese boxes should be sufficient for our move.
SurlyChắc chắnadj. unfriendly; inclined to angerThe bartender was a surly fellow who wasn’t afraid to start a fight.
SurmountVượt trộiv. to get on top of or overcomeThey managed to surmount the language barrier by using a translation app.
SusceptibleNhạy cảmadj. to be vulnerable (to something)Children are more susceptible to certain illnesses than adults are.
TactfulKhéo léoadj. skilled at dealing with peopleHer tactful attitude toward our class made her one of my favorite teachers.
Taut-adj. pulled tightThe rubberband was taut and ready to be fired.
TeemingCó rất nhiềuadj. abundantly filled (usu. with living organisms)Doorknobs are not as clean as they look and are often teeming with germs.
TemperamentTính cáchn. usual mood or feelingsShe had a hostile temperament, making her intimidating to most people.
TentativeMang tính thăm dòadj. not yet finalizedWe haven’t made any official arrangements yet, but the tentative location for our wedding is Hawaii.
TransparentTrong suốtadj. see-through; so thin that light can shine through
adj. truthful or easy to perceive
Stained window glass isn’t as transparent as regular window glass is.
She was transparent about her plans to end her marriage.
TreacherousNguy hiểmadj. dangerous and unstableThe journey was becoming treacherous, but they continued on regardless.
TremendousTo lớnadj. very large, good, or bad in degree or sizeTremendous news! You don’t have to repay your loans!
UbiquitousPhổ cậpadj. being everywhere at onceCell phones are ubiquitous these days.
UnadornedKhông được trang tríadj. undecorated, plainThough the dress was cheap and unadorned, it was by far her favorite one on the rack.
UndermineHủy hoạiv. to weaken or subvert (usu. gradually or secretly)Parents should take care not to constantly undermine their children.
UnderscoreGạch dướiv. to emphasize or give additional weight toThis sentence seems to underscore the overall meaning of the passage.
UndulateNhấp nhôv. to move as ripples or in a wavy patternBelly dancers are known for their ability to skillfully undulate their stomachs.
UnilateralĐơn phươngadj. one-sidedThe unilateral decision was deemed unfair by the other party involved.
UnjustBất côngadj. unfair; not justifiedThe court’s decision is unjust—he should not go free.
UnmitigatedKhông được thừa nhậnadj. downright, utter, totalMy speech was an unmitigated disaster!
UnprecedentedChưa từng cóadj. completely new and never having happened before; historicThe number of protestors was unprecedented.
UnveilTiết lộv. to make visible; to revealWe plan to unveil our plans for the new company project on Sunday.
UrgeThúc giụcn. desire or impulse
v. to encourage or persuade
He had the urge to tell his parents about his acceptance to Columbia but decided against it.
She urged her sister to apply to Stanford.
ValidateXác nhậnv. to prove or declare validYour selfish actions do not validate your feelings for me.
ViabilityKhả thin. ability to be done in a practical or useful wayThe viability of the solution is questionable.
VitalThiết yếuadj. urgently necessaryIt is vital that you respond by the deadline.
VowLời thềv. to promiseMy brother quickly broke his vow to never eat chocolate again.
WarrantBảo đảmv. to prove to be reasonableWanting to look cool in front of your friends doesn’t warrant breaking the law.
YieldNăng suấtn. production of an amount
v. to give way to or surrender to
v. to produce or supply
The farmer’s annual pumpkin yield exceeded 10,000.
Cars turning right on red must yield to oncoming traffic.
Our experiment yielded many unique-looking vegetables.

23 từ vựng SAT toán phải biết

Từ vựng SAT toánNghĩa tiếng AnhNghĩa tiếng ViệtVí dụ
IntegerAny whole number with no fractional part. Numbers can be zero, negative or positive.Số nguyên0, 4, 53, -8
Whole NumberZero and positive numbersToàn bộ số0, 9, 25, 64
Negative NumberCan be any number, fraction or decimal less than zeroSố âm-23.5, -4, -2/5
Positive NumberCan be any number, fraction or decimal greater than zero.Số dương23.5, 4, 2/5
Distinct NumbersDifferent numbersSố khác nhau2, 9 and 19 are distinct numbers; 7 and 7 are not distinct numbers.
DivisibleWhen a number is capable of being evenly dividedChia hếtThe number is 10 is divisible by 1, 2, 5.
Even numberAny integer that can be evenly divisible by two. Zero is an even number.Số chẵn4, 12, 38, -24, 98, -40
Odd NumberAny integer that is not evenly divisible by two.Số lẻ5, 27, 83, -1, -99
Prime NumberAny number that can only be divided by 1 and itself.Số nguyên tố3, 7, 13
DigitAll numbers from 0 -9Chữ số367 – this number has digits 3, 6 and 7
Units DigitThe number located in the one’s placeĐơn vị chữ sốIn the number 249, 9 is located in the units place
SumThe result of adding two or more numbersTổngThe sum of 10 and 5 would be 15 (10+5=15)
DifferenceThe result of subtracting one number from anotherSự khác biệtThe difference between 10 and 5 is 5
(10-5= 5)
ProductThe result of multiplying one number with anotherSản phẩmThe product of 7 and 2 is 14.
(7 x 2 =14)
QuotientThe result of the division of one number by anotherChỉ sốThe quotient of 14 divided by 7 is 2. (14
FactorNumbers you can multiply together to get a productNhân tố4 x 3 = 12,
4 and 3 are factors of 12
MultipleThe multiple of a number is the product of the number and any other whole numberNhiều2,4,6,8 are multiples of 2
Consecutive NumbersAny group of numbers that are in the order they appear on the number lineSố liên tiếp-3, -2, -1, 0, 1
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
ConstantA quantity assumed to have a fixed value; permanent; unchangingKhông thay đổi3.14
EdgeA line along which 2 faces or surfaces of a solid meetBờ rìa
FaceA face is a flat surface of a three-dimensional figureKhuôn mặt
BisectTo cut or divide into 2 parts, especially 2 equal partsChia đôi
RatioA relationship between 2 quantities, normally expressed as the quotient of one divided by anotherTỉ lệThe ratio of 9 to 4 is written 9:4 or 9/4.
Cuối cùng, từ vựng ôn thi SAT không chỉ đơn thuần là việc học thuật, mà còn là một công cụ giúp bạn vươn lên vượt qua mọi thách thức. Đó là chìa khóa để bạn tiến xa trong con đường học tập và thành công. Vậy nên, hãy đón nhận từ vựng ôn thi SAT như là một "vũ khí" quý báu, giúp bạn ghi dấu ấn đậm nét và chinh phục mọi khía cạnh của kỳ thi SAT.

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